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The centralized process core dump data directory must be group-owned by root, bin, or sys.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-216211 SOL-11.1-080060 SV-216211r959010_rule Medium
Process core dumps contain the memory in use by the process when it crashed. Any data the process was handling may be contained in the core file, and it must be protected accordingly. If the centralized process core dump data directory is not group-owned by a system group, the core dumps contained in the directory may be subject to unauthorized access.
Solaris 11 X86 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2024-05-30


Check Text ( C-36492r603079_chk )
Check the defined directory for process core dumps.
# coreadm | grep "global core file pattern"

Check the group ownership of the directory.
# ls -lLd [core file directory]

If the directory is not group-owned by root, bin, or sys, this is a finding.
Fix Text (F-36456r603080_fix)
The root role is required.

Change the group-owner of the core file directory to root, bin or sys.

Example: # chgrp root [core file directory]